Meet Taryn & Nikki

We are highly skilled Primary Learning Specialists with expert knowledge of the curriculum, best practice and contemporary teaching approaches.

We create dynamic, differentiated and inquiry-based maths programs that are tailored to meet the needs of all learners in a collaborative and positive learning environment. Our programs incorporate evidence-based strategies that support learners to overcome maths anxiety, embrace productive struggle and develop the mindset and learning dispositions needed to bridge the gap that has occurred due to the impact of Covid19.

We improve student learning by re-engaging students and extending and challenging those that need it, by providing learners with opportunities to participate in sequenced and scaffolded inquiry tasks that focus on making mathematical connections, critical thinking, problem solving and reasoning.

We have the skills, knowledge and experience to build teacher capacity by providing opportunities for teachers and school teams to attend our programs and observe our contemporary approach to teaching mathematics, providing practical tips to implement in their own classrooms.


Our journey started around 3 years ago when we began working together as Primary Learning Specialists.

The two of us immediately connected by our shared philosophy for teaching and learning and later, our passion for changing the way that mathematics is taught in both primary and high schools. Through working in a number of different classrooms and speaking to various primary and high school teachers from schools across Victoria, the anxiety and trauma that many teachers, students and parents have towards mathematics became very evident very quickly. The damaging belief that Maths is something that you are either born ‘good’ or ‘bad’ at came through in almost every conversation that we had. It blew our mind that so much research and so many studies have debunked this myth, yet so many people still encompass this false belief. The impact that mindset can have on learning mathematics is phenomenal. A fixed mindset can become a huge barrier for even some of the most confident maths learners, creating the belief that there is only one way of solving a problem, one correct answer and that mistakes or ‘wrong’ answers equate to failure or lack of understanding. A growth mindset allows for flexible thinking, problem solving, reasoning and making mathematical connections. When we adopt a growth mindset, our capacity for learning becomes limitless. Our extensive experience in coaching, leading teams of teachers, delivering professional learning and modelling our practice in the classroom has allowed us to begin to re-shape the way that teachers and students see themselves as mathematicians. Seeing the way learners can shift their mindset has been both rewarding and inspiring.

This is how Limitless Maths was born.